Please note that in 2025 only, students will not undertake EIF at Year 10. From 2026 onwards, students will do EIF in Semester 1 of Year 11.
Please note: Exploring Construction will NOT be offered at Year 10 in 2025.
Exploring Identities and Futures (EIF) supports students to explore their aspirations. They are given the space and opportunity to extend their thinking beyond what they want to do, to also consider who they want to be in the future. The subject supports students to learn more about themselves, their place in the world, and enables them to explore and deepen their sense of belonging, identity, and connections to the world around them. EIF prepares students for their SACE journey and the knowledge, skills, and capabilities required to be thriving learners. As an introduction to the SACE, students will be empowered to take ownership of where their pathway leads, exploring interests, work, travel and/or further learning. Course content EIF represents a shift away from viewing students as participants in learning, to empowered co-designers of their own learning. Students will be responsible for exploring learning opportunities, exercising their agency, and building connections with others.
In this subject, students:
develop agency by exploring their identity, interests, strengths, skills, capabilities and or values; and making choices about their learning
demonstrate self-efficacy through planning and implementing actions to develop their capabilities and connecting with future aspirations
apply self-regulation skills by contributing to activities to achieve goals, seeking feedback, and making decisions
develop their communication skills through interaction, collaboration, sharing evidence of their learning progress and developing connections with others.
Want to know more about what Activating Identities and Futures could mean for you?